
Designed and implemented a virtual reality experience that attracted two new clients, leading to:

$150M in Revenue

Start with a revolution in energy technology.

Our client founders shared the belief that typical energy operations were over-engineered and too expensive. In an industry where engineering firms typically overrun timelines and budget, their engineers invested in proving a process that could reduce costs and turnaround time by up to 30%.

What if money wasn't an issue? Let's work back from there.

Our brand strategy quickly defined ways to unlock the growing demand for efficiency in the O&G industry. We recommended prioritizing their SAGD Well Pad Solution and asked a critical question during the brainstorming process: What would we do to attract the most profitable clients, if there were no financial barriers? The answer: They would fly the prospective customer to a well pad and walk them through the engineering to show how they reduce the turnaround time and costs. We applied this idea to a realistic and practical approach.

Use immersive technology to attract engagement.

Our dream sales process identified an approach that achieved our budget, target audience and timeline objectives: We could promote them at The Canadian Heavy Oil Association Fall Conference. We recommended a virtual reality experience that aligned with their brand: A revolution in energy technology. VR was unique, entertaining and with the proper plan could also inform attendees how they could help them save time and money.

A brand
new business

A resounding

A $220,000

Attracted the attention
of 1200 trade
show attendees.

Engaged 76 prospects
through the
VR experience.

Acquire 2 new clients
valued at over
$150M topline revenue.

We're not mentioning any names.

You'll notice our case studies have no client name. We've done this for two reasons: first off, we respect our client's privacy. Second, we believe that business solutions stand on their own, regardless of brand or industry. We're passionate about identifying the true “unarticulated problem” and hold ourselves to the standard of why marketing exists: To help you grow your business. And, if you really need to know the clients and industries we've served, click here.

Tell me more.

Are you curious about how we can help you? Pop us a note, and we will reach out for a chat; no spam, no junk, no bull@#$@.